Teacher/Principal Annual Professional Performance

Town of Webb Union Free School District is committed to fostering a culture of continuous and essential professional growth which helps to create and environment of academic rigor and student achievement. The new APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review) will be used to foster growth and development, reflection, and refinement of professional practices to further improve the teaching and learning happening within our school.

Principal Effectiveness: Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards
Evaluations of building principals are to be based on multiple measures, aligned with the Educational Leadership Policy Standards (ISLLC 2008). A principal’s performance must be assessed using a principal practice rubric approved by the NYS Education Department. The Town of Webb UFSD is currently using the Multidimensional Principal Performance Rubric.
Any of the Educational Leadership Policy Standards (ISLLC 2008) not addressed in the broad assessment must be assessed at least once a year.

Teacher Effectiveness: NYS Teaching Standards
Evaluations of classroom teachers are to be based on multiple measures, aligned with the NYS Teaching Standards. A teacher’s performance must be assessed using a teacher practice rubric approved by the NYS Education Department.The Town of Webb is currently using the Framework for Teaching 2011 Revised Edition rubric.
In the 2011-2012 school year, the new evaluation system must include teachers of English Language Arts or mathematics in grades 4-8 (including common branch teachers who teach ELA or mathematics). Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, the evaluation system must include all classroom teachers.

Any of the NYS Teaching Standards not addressed in the broad assessment must be assessed at least once a year.

Teacher/Principal Effectiveness Composite Score
In accordance with NYS Education Law §3012c regarding Annual Professional Performance Reviews (APPR) for teachers, the district will differentiate teacher and principal effectiveness using four rating categories – Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, and Ineffective. Additionally, Education Law §3012-c(2)(a) requires annual professional performance reviews (APPRs) to result in a single composite teacher or principal effectiveness score, which incorporates multiple measures of effectiveness. The final composite score for teacher effectiveness shall be determined as follows:

Categories Overall Rating State Assessments Locally Selected Assessments Other Measures of Effectiveness
Highly Effective 91-100 18-20 18-20 57-60
Effective 75-90 9-17 9-17 50-56
Developing 65-74 3-8 3-8 45-49
Ineffective 0-64 0-2 0-2 0-44


The final composite score for the principal effectiveness shall be determined as follows:

Categories Overall Rating State Assessments Locally Selected Assessments Other Measures of Effectiveness
Highly Effective 91-100 18-20 18-20 59-60
Effective 75-90 9-17 9-17 57-58
Developing 65-74 3-8 3-8 55-56
Ineffective 0-64 0-2 0-2 0-56

In the event a classroom teacher or principal receives a rating of “Developing” or “Ineffective,” the evaluator and educator will discuss the overall performance rating and begin development of either a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) for teachers, according to associated locally negotiated and state approved evaluation plan, or Principal Improvement Plan (PIP) for principals, In the event a classroom teacher or principal receives a rating of “Developing” or “Ineffective,” the evaluator will schedule a meeting to discuss the overall performance rating and begin development of either a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) for teachers, or Principal Improvement Plan (PIP) for principals, in accordance with the locally negotiated and New York State approved evaluation plan. Teachers and principals who receive Highly Effective/Effective ratings will receive constructive feedback through a post-conference., and the process outlined in the approved plan.

Locally Selected Measures of Student Achievement Sections 3012-c(2)(e)(ii) and (f)(ii) require that 20% of an APPR be based on other locally selected measures of student achievement that are determined to be rigorous and comparable across classrooms in accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations.
Other Measures of Teacher Effectiveness Pursuant to Section 3012-c, evaluations of classroom teachers are to be based on multiple measures, aligned with the New York State Teaching Standards. Teacher performance will be assessed based upon one of the rubrics approved by NYSED.

Types of Evaluation and Documentation for Teachers Using the Framework for Teaching 2011 Revised Edition rubric , teachers will demonstrate evidence of effective teaching practices through the use of multiple measures. Each sub-component in the rubric will be evaluated on a #1 to #4 scale. This will include direct observation, student work, teacher artifacts, and pre/post conferencing.

Scores will be collected for each category throughout the year and recorded on the Teacher Evaluation Form. Teachers may earn up to 60 points through this process. A teacher's final HEDI rating will always round to the nearest whole number

Types of Evaluation and Documentation for the Principal Using the LCI Multidimensional Rubric, the Superintendent will check the descriptor for each item that best matches the principal's performance. Using the rubric checklists contained in the attached tables and then followed by a holistic approach using the averages of the ratings, a HEDI rating shall then be determined for each domain and an overall rating on the rubric.

Teacher/Principal Improvement Plans (TIP/PIP) Upon rating a teacher or principal as “developing” or “ineffective” through an annual professional performance review, the district must develop and commence implementation of a teacher (TIP) or principal (PIP) improvement plan for such pursuant to Section 3012-c.

A TIP or PIP must be implemented no later than 10 days after the date on which teachers are required to report prior to the opening of classes for the school year.

Appeal Process In the event a teacher or principal wishes to challenge a performance review and/or improvement plan under the new evaluation system, he/she will follow the appropriate negotiated APPR appeal process as outlined in the APPR negotiated agreement.

Approved Plans:
You may obtain the plans as approved by the NYS Education Department by checking their website.
A great resource for all other information related to the APPR and Common Core is engageny.org. This site is constantly being updated with information for parents and educators alike.

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