In accordance with New York Education Law Section 3012-c(10), parents and legal guardians may request the final quality rating and composite effectiveness score for each of the teachers currently assigned to your student(s) through official scheduling and for the principal of the school. The District will also provide you with an explanation of the composite effectiveness scoring ranges for final quality ratings, and an opportunity to understand such scores in the context of teacher evaluation and student performance.
Rating information will not be released until the request form has been completed and submitted to the District Office and the appropriate steps have been taken by the District to verify the parent/guardian request is valid as pertaining to a student
currently enrolled in a class taught by the teacher they are requesting the rating of or the current enrollment in the District if the request is for the principal composite information.
A meeting must be scheduled with the Superintendent for the information to be released to the parent/guardian requesting the information after the disclosure and use statement is signed verifying that the information received is for personal use only.
If you are interested in obtaining this information you should contact Mr. Rex Germer, (315) 369-3222, Ext. 2102, to obtain the request form and schedule a meeting.